1984年普利策音乐奖获得者伯纳德•兰德为现代音乐的发展奠定了坚实的基础。 他的音乐充满戏剧色彩和抒情色彩。伯纳德•兰德师从达拉皮科拉和贝里奥学习音乐创作后,音乐作品的质量大幅度提高。歌剧《文森特》的创作灵感来源于20世纪70年代于阿姆斯特丹新建成的梵高美术馆,兰德为创作这部歌剧在梵高美术馆花费40年的时间研究了文森特•梵高的一生。赫芬顿邮报称赞兰德的《文森特》为“空前绝后的成功”,《文森特》展现了伟大的画家梵高一生,特别是他后期戏剧性的人生跌落时期。在那段时期,与梵高相反他的弟弟西奥•梵高备受大家喜爱,带给了他心灵巨大的刺激。音乐中还展现了他与保罗•更高的恶性冲突和他悲剧般的死亡。《文森特》被认为是兰德最杰出的作品。本作品为世界首次录音。
- 01.Vincent Act I Scene 1: Saint-Rémy, 1889: When I feel the terrible need for religion
- 02.Vincent Act I Scene 1a: Van Gogh’s family home, The Netherlands, 1876: No! No, no, no!
- 03.Vincent Act I Scene 2: Paris, 1876: You know I want to help you
- 04.Vincent Act I Scene 2: Orchestral Interlude
- 05.Vincent Act I Scene 3: The Borinage, Belgium, 1878: How long have they been down there?
- 06.Vincent Act I Scene 4: A Missionary church in the Borinage, Belgium, 1878: Vincent!
- 07.Vincent Act I Scene 5: The Hague, 1882: Go away!
- 08.Vincent Act I Scene 6: Neunen, 1885: The laws of color are beautiful because they are not accidental
- 09.Vincent Act I Scene 6: Orchestral Interlude
- 10.Vincent Act I Scene 7: Paris, 1887: Je l’aime quand est au loin
- 12.Vincent Act II Scene 1: Arles, 1888: Paul! At last! (Vincent, Gauguin)
- 13.Vincent Act II Scene 1a: The Dance at Arles
- 14.Vincent Act II Scene 2: Arles, 1888: What are you doing? (Vincent, Gauguin)
- 15.Vincent Act II Scene 3: Saint-Rémy, 1889: Doctor (Theo, Dr. Peyron, Inmates, Vincent)
- 16.Vincent Act II Scene 4: Auvers-sur-Oise, 1890: Really, Father! (Marguerite, Dr. Gachet, Vincent)
- 17.Vincent Act II Scene 4: Orchestral Interlude
- 18.Vincent Act II Scene 5: Auvers-sur-Oise, 1890: This is sadness (Vincent)
- 19.Vincent Act II Scene 6: Auvers-sur-Oise, 2 days later: Don’t leave me, Theo! (Vincent, Theo)